mother's day safari

Mother's on Safari!

Most moms love flowers – and the thought still counts! But how about spending money on something that’ll last longer … celebrating Mother’s Day soaking up an experience you’ll both treasure forever?

That’s where a Safari comes in – and I’m here to personalize it to every last detail. But regardless of whether your mom loves thrills and adventure or prefers quiet downtime, I’ll ensure she’s somewhere remote on the most magical continent in the world, bathed in sunshine and tranquility and surrounded by untouched nature and wildlife.

Here are a few reasons why a Safari is the ultimate Mother’s Day spoil:

1] Spa treatments under African skies:
After an exhilarating game drive chasing down the king of the bush, Mom deserves to be treated like royalty. How does a traditional African massage using ingredients like warm shea butter and exotic marula oil (infused with the soothing scents of lavender and lemongrass) sound? Pure bliss! Plus, you’ll have an excuse to treat yourself, too!

Spa Time from Lemala Kuria, Northern Serengeti, Tanzania

2] Shopping on Safari:
No Safari is complete without a little retail therapy and a souvenir (or five) to take home! Whisk Mom away on a private shopping spree to hidden boutiques or bustling local markets in Nairobi, Kenya, Arusha, Tanzania or Cape Town, South Africa. These places are always packed to the brim with colorful textiles, handmade beaded jewelry, and other gorgeous handcrafted treasures—each piece is a special keepsake from her unforgettable African adventure.

3] Bubbles & hot air ballooning:
Looking for an experience that’s equal parts relaxing and adrenalin-charged? Nothing beats floating along in a hot air balloon over the Serengeti, Tanzania, Masai Mara, Kenya or Namib Desert. Talk about an life-changing moments! And, of course, I’ll top it off with a lavish champagne breakfast on the ground. Because even the most hardened adventurers need (and deserve) a little luxury.

Serengeti Balloon Safari Champagne Breakfast

4] Starlit dinner date (with a wild soundtrack):
Why dine in a crowded restaurant when you can savor a candlelit dinner under a blanket of twinkling African stars and encircled by the sounds of the bush? Pair this unrivaled ambiance with a gourmet meal crafted with the freshest ingredients and a bottle of fine wine from South Africa ... with plenty to toast to!

Waiting for the Serengeti sunset from Serian’s Serengeti South.

5] Maasai warriors and roots:
I love adding a dash of the unexpected to my guests’ Safaris! Something like a morning spent learning bush survival skills from Maasai warriors and Hadzabe, followed by an late afternoon on top of a kopje [rock outcrop], waiting for the sunset.

Inspired? Let’s swap those roses for rhinos this Mother's Day and give Mom a gift that’s [literally] roar-some! Get in touch with us, and we’ll piece together a Safari escape Mom [or you] will never forget.